University of Pennsylvania

B.S. in Economics, Concentrations in Finance and Statistics - Wharton School of Business
B.S.E in Computer Science, Minors in Mathematics and Data Science - School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
M.S.E in Computer Science - School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Selected Coursework
Computer Science and Math:
Algorithms and Data Structures (Rajiv Gandhi)
Analysis of Algorithms (Sanjeev Khanna)
Advanced Linear Algebra and Optimization Theory (Jean Gallier, MS)
Machine Learning (Jake Gardner, MS)
Theory of Machine Learning (Michael Kearns, PhD)​
​Randomized Algorithms (Sanjeev Khanna, PhD)
Distributed Systems (Linh Thi Xuan Phan, MS)
Operating Systems Design and Implementation (Boon Thau Loo, MS)
Database and Information Systems (Susan Davidson, MS)
LLMs and Decision Making (Dan Roth, PhD)
Real Analysis (Andrew Cooper)
Modern Convex Optimization (Nikolai Matni, PhD)
Information Theory (Shirin Bidokhti, PhD)
Statistics and Finance:
Probability Theory (Mark Low)
Statistics for Data Science (Hamed Hassani, MS)
Stochastic Processes (Mark Low)
Applied Probability Models in Marketing (Peter Fader, MBA)
Reinforcement Learning Theory (Yuting Wei, PhD)
Honors Corporate Finance (Itamar Drechsler, MBA)
Honors Monetary Economics and the Global Economy (Martin Asher)
Investment Management (Robert Stambaugh)
Corporate Valuation (David Wessels)
Financial Derivatives (Domenico Cuoco, MBA)
Fixed Income Securities (Stephan Dieckmann, MBA)
Teaching Assistant for:
STAT 430 (Probability Theory) in Fall 2021, Spring 2022, and Fall 2022 (total: 450 students)
CIS 520 (Graduate-level Machine Learning) in Fall 2022; Head TA in Spring 2023 and Fall 2023 (total: 600 students)
CIS 320 (Analysis of Algorithms) in Spring 2023 (200 students)
CIS 625 (PhD-level Theory of Machine Learning) in Fall 2023 (50 students)
FNCE 717 (MBA-level Financial Derivatives) in Fall 2023 (40 students)
ESE 605 (Modern Convex Optimization) in Spring 2023 (100 students)
For more information on my activities and organizations at Penn, please see