Student Organizations

Machine Learning Research at Penn (MLR@Penn)
Founder and President
I am the founder and president of Machine Learning Research at Penn (MLR@Penn), the largest AI and Machine Learning student organization at Penn, with 250 new members since March 2023. Through this, I hope to cultivate a cohesive community of undergraduate students excited about AI and ML, encourage them to keep up with the latest works, and mentor them along their research journey.
We have a particular emphasis on studying and advancing the latest literature in machine learning research, through dedicated reading groups for topics (LLMs / Foundation Models, Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision, ML Theory, Trustworthy AI, and application areas). I have started an in-house research group, to develop novel works of our own to submit for publication, as well as an outreach community, which is responsible for driving speaker engagements from both industry and academia, facilitating collaborations with open-source organizations, and marketing our events.

Wharton Undergraduate Data Analytics Club (WUDAC)
I am the President of WUDAC, the largest data science-focused student organization at Penn, and one of the largest student groups on campus. In this role, I am responsible for driving engagement for data science initiatives at Penn, hosting speaker events, and fostering collaborations, with other student organizations as well as corporate sponsors.
As Vice President of Education for the Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 semesters, led the education committee in hosting data analytics and machine learning courses in Python and R, with weekly lectures on topics including data preprocessing, data visualization, classical machine learning algorithms, and introductory deep learning topics. Also responsible for holding technical interviews each semester for prospective new committee members.
Co-ran the "Data Days" event, a student-run analytics conference, with technical lectures on AutoML, deep learning, databases, and data visualization, and alumni speaker events about data science and technical consulting.

Wharton Analytics Fellows (WAF)
Senior Data Analyst
Wharton Analytics Fellows is a highly selective fellowship program that allows motivated Wharton undergraduates, MBAs, and graduate students to put their analytics skills to the test in the real world. Fellows consult for our clients on their toughest data science problems, building them predictive models and presenting their findings to senior leadership. Our clients put these models into practice, giving students the opportunity to see their work have a real impact.
In Fall 2021, was one of the few undergraduate students given the position of Senior Analyst, and worked with the Zillow Group. For more information on my engagements in Fall 2021 and Spring 2021, see

Wharton Investment and Trading Group
Portfolio Manager - Quantitative Investment Strategies Team
Wharton Investment and Trading Group (WITG) is the premier undergraduate institution for professional preparation in investing and trading financial careers. As a portfolio manager (one of 4 co-leaders of the 50-member team) for the Quantitative Investment Strategies (QIS) Team, I partake in weekly discussions on quantitative research topics including market impact, financial derivatives, commodities markets, etc., and discuss quantitative trading strategies. We also complete semester-long projects on an area of interest in quantitative research.
The Quantitative Investment Strategies team aims to develop quantitatively- and/or systematically-driven trading strategies with a focus on education. Our members include experienced investors, many with experience in quantitative roles at hedge funds and market makers. On a day-to-day basis, we develop projects and discuss academic literature and industry white papers on finance and statistics / machine learning. Our projects place emphasis on signal research and portfolio optimization, while staying weary of practical issues in trading execution.

Penn Quant Trading Club (PQTC)
Strategy Research Team
As part of the Strategy Research Team in PQTC, develop trading strategies to execute in a simulated environment, discuss best practices for backtesting strategies, and examine emerging areas of interest for applying automated market making methods. Also discuss interesting brain teasers, logic puzzles, and probability questions at weekly meetings.

Global Research and Consulting Group (GRC)
Associate Consultant
The consulting division of the Global Research and Consulting Group consists of teams of 4-5 associate and senior consultants led by a project leader, collaborating on a pro-bono high-impact project for a global NGO or social impact organization.
In Fall 2020, worked for an international NGO on child rights humanitarian policy, researching donor organizations, and developed an NLP tool for internal use, which will be used in driving the organization's strategy.
In Spring 2021, consulted for an international nonprofit research think-tank, focused on understanding different types of leadership development and training programs for young leaders and aspiring executives.

Education Committee Member
Project Lead/Technical Lead
As part of the Education Committee for AI@Penn, responsible for developing content on various topics in deep learning, and led collaboration on behalf of WUDAC with AI@Penn for a joint course on data analytics and AI.
In Spring 2021, was a project lead for the inaugural semester of the AI Venture Fellows program, working with Hello Ralphie, a Philadelphia-based veterinary telemedicine company, delivering an NLP-based pipeline to drive their strategy.

Citadel x Citadel Securities East Coast Regional Datathon 1st Place Winner
In March 2022, collaborated with 3 other undergraduate students at Penn to win 1st place at the Spring East Coast Regional Datathon, hosted by Citadel, Citadel Securities, and Correlation One. Awarded $10,000 and granted exclusive recruiting opportunities with Citadel/Citadel Securities, and invited to compete in the International Data Open Championships in Fall 2022, for the chance to win $100,000, hosted at the New York Stock Exchange. We developed an econometric method of quantitatively analyzing quality of life in three major U.S. cities, and provide policy recommendations accordingly.

2020 Coca-Cola Scholar
In March 2020, awarded as a 2020 Coca-Cola Scholar, one of 150 recipients out of over 93,000 applicants (an acceptance rate of 0.16%). The Coca-Cola Scholars Program scholarship is an achievement-based scholarship awarded to students in their final year of high school. Students are recognized for their capacity to lead and serve, as well as their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities.